Research fields
Space Physics, Plasma Physics
Major publications
1. Xiao Zhang*, Qing Zang et al. The factors determining the evolution of edge-localized modes in plasmas driven by lower hybrid currents(2020)Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 62 125013 (16pp) ;
2. Xiao Zhang*, Qing Zang et al. The unstable ELM evolution modulated by lower hybrid waves on EAST Plasma, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 62 (2020) 095007 (16pp);
3. Xiao Zhang, EvanAguirre, Earl E.Scime* et al. Pressure dependence of an ion beam accelerating structure in an expanding helicon plasma (2018),PHYSICS OF PLASMAS25, 023503 ;
4. Xiao Zhang, Zhong-kai Zhang,Jin-xiang Cao,Yu Liu* et al., The influence of gas pressure on E↔H mode transition in argon inductively coupled plasmas(2018),AIP Advances 8(3):035121;
5. Xiao Zhang, Jin-Xiang Cao, Yu Liu* et al,Comparisons of the Characteristic on the modeTransition in an Inductively CoupledDischarge by Exciting Coil Change(2017), IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science PP(99):1-8;
6. Xiao Zhang, Jin-xiang Cao,Yu Liu* et al.,Laboratory experiments in the argon plasma perturbed by injections of the electronegative gases,AIP ADVANCES, 075304 (2016);
7. Xiao Zhang, Jin-XiangCao* et al. The transition mechanisms of the E to H mode and the H to E mode in an inductively coupled argon-mercury mixture discharge,PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 22, 103509 (2015).
Honors and Awards
President Award of Chinese Academy of Sciences;National Scholarship